Every year in Australia, businesses generate over 12.5 million tonnes of waste. Almost half of that waste (46%) goes to landfill1 despite estimates that approximately 70% can be reused or recycled.2
New research shows that 76% of businesses believe that reducing waste is part of being a sustainable and ethical business.3 However, there is also the perception that they are doing all they can in regard to waste management, that there may be little benefit in doing more, or that they don’t have the knowledge to improve their waste and recycling practices.4
This resource will help employees at any level in an organisation, including those with sustainability responsibilities, to make the business case for less waste. It explains how improved waste management can reduce unnecessary costs, boost staff morale, provide a competitive (or efficiency) edge and improve environmental outcomes. Together these benefits make a workplace more sustainable.
"As a community owned not-for-profit, we’d much rather use money for children’s education resources than to take rubbish away." — Illawarra Area Child Care
Unless otherwise indicated quoted statistic are from NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) research - see References*.