Choosing the right bins is vital to the success of your recycling program. The right bins make it easy for staff to separate and sort materials and reduce contamination.
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Choose the Right Bin
Choosing the right bins is vital to the success of your recycling program. The right bins make it easy for staff to separate and sort materials and reduce contamination. Bins range from large, crane-lift skip bins suitable for bulky or non-compactible materials, like construction waste, to under desk or office floor boxes for small quantities of paper and cardboard. Special bins for specific materials like light globes or batteries are also available.
Many recycling companies will supply bins as part of a commercial recycling service but there are also a number of companies that will supply bins on their own.
Recycling Equipment Catalogue
The Recycling Equipment Catalogue contains information on a wide range of equipment to suit your business. It also provides key questions to help guide your decision.